There is a baby boom going on in my library. Jessie is due first and I finished up a very cute sweater for her last week. It's called the Koko Kimono by Jil Eaton. It's from the book Minnies: Quick Knits for Babies and Toddlers.
I was looking through my knitting storage area and pulled out all the patterns I have because I was looking to see if I had any baby bootie patterns (I do, several in books that my mother used so they are from the early 60's) Anyway, I came across a photocopied pattern of this sweater and thought it was cute and I would try it. Once I started reading the pattern, I realized that I hadn't copied the page that gave the needle size or kind of yarn or even the name of the pattern book! A librarian's faux pas as we are always telling the students to make sure they have the citation information for their articles.
Anyway, I am a member of this online knitting group called Ravelry This is a place where one can keep track of projects and build a portfolio but it is also a place where you can search for a pattern and see how others have knitted it. So I looked up Koko Kimono and lo and behold, there it was with needle size and yarn and everything, all documented in several projects.
Kari is due next and I have been knitting for her but can't tell you all what I've made because she reads my blog! I'll post pictures after Dec 3 since that is her baby shower.
Next up is Rob, whose wife is due in March. I was so happy with this kimono, I think I'll make one for him.
In the meantime, Emma has asked for another hat and Sean has asked for a hat. I started Emma's last night with some yarn from my stash - it's a beret so I hope it comes out ok. For Sean, I want to buy the bulky yarn instead of using some I already have.
Brian has asked for another blanket! The one on his bed took me a year to make - it was from the Barbara Walker's Learn to Knit Afghan Book. Each square is a different pattern and it makes 60 squares. It was fun to do and I learned many new techniques but I don't have the energy to tackle another blanket! Not sure what Brian wants or even why he wants another blanket. Now this is the kid who is currently cuddling with his hot water bottle on his feet so he may want to be more warm and snuggly in his bed. He'll have to wait.
4 hours ago
Felted hats! - I've done 5 so far and have another started (all because my sister-in-law wanted one for her b'day - she still doesn't have hers). I'm also doing a Gryfindor scarf for my daughter's Hermione costume for Halloween (a bribe to avoid a second costume - pirate - for night-time trick or treating) 'tis the knitting season.