Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Roasted Garlic and Herbed Cottage Cheese Dip

It's almost time for the garlic harvest.  My CSA started up this week and if past years are any indication, there will be lots of garlic. I also have some growing in my garden and soon, the stalks will need to be pulled.  The problem is there is still garlic leftover from last year!  So I decided to roast it all up and squeeze it out into a bowl and keep in the fridge.

Look at all that roasted garlic!  Yum

Cut off the tops of each head, drizzle garlic over all, cover with foil and roast at 400 degrees until the cloves are soft (for me, it was about 20 min).  Let cool, pop garlic out of skin.

I was browsing through one of my cookbooks and came across a recipe for cottage cheese dip.  Now, it's been years since I actually ate cottage cheese (when I was in high school, my favorite was Pineapple - a sickeningly sweet concoction by Hood) but for some reason, I thought this dip would be good to eat with raw veggies.

So, my variation was chopping garlic scapes and radishes from my CSA, carrots from my garden and combining with the cottage cheese in the food processor.  I scooped out the mixture and added grated lemon peel, salt, pepper, dried basil and dried dill.  It's pretty good.  I ate some for lunch with slightly blanched snow peas.

Scapes, carrots and radishes


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